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hummingbird42256 08-03-2007 03:18 PM

Lost vegetation?
Has anyone lost any of their vegetation due to the drought or late spring freeze this year? My trees all look strange because they have ,what appears to be dead branches sticking out all over. I wonder if I should cut them off. I hate to, if they will fill back out next year. I lost one weeping willow from the drought. But my Rose of Sharron has more and better blooms this year than last. Strange,I think. :confused:

bountifulexplorer 08-03-2007 05:24 PM

I can't talk about your specific problem, but to add to the discussion, I lost my apple tree about 3 years ago in heavy just rolled right over. It was a terrible shame, because it was really old and I got immense pleasure in the spring from seeing the blossoms and in late summer from collecting the cooking-apple fruit, but guess things happen. At least the garden looks a lot lighter now.

But yes, losing a tree can be devestating in a very odd sort of way, so my condolences for your willow. Just make sure you use the space it once dominated well. And as for vegetation loss? I know it isn't pretty right now, but just consider it all part of mother nature's grand plan. You just weren't meant to enjoy your garden this year...clearly you have pressing jobs fate wants you to attend to inside :p

Seriously though, I know it isn't pretty, but you're best leaving the branches as they are I think - they should grow back next year even more strongly, and when you're enjoying them then you won't regret it. Just leave them to their own devices, maybe giving them a slight prune in Autumn, but nothing too severe. Just what I'd do, of course - not based on any authoritative source :)

hummingbird42256 08-04-2007 02:42 AM

Thank you for your comments. Strange that you mention an apple tree ,cause I too lost one to wind. It was pulled up roots and all and just laid over. It was right next to our back deck .We loved the shade it provided on our deck.We have 2 patio doors in our bedroom and I always loved to look out at the beautiful pink blossoms in the spring. I have since planted a purple crept Myrtle.As yet ,it is not tall enough to be appreciated from the back patio doors. It too was killed and new came up from the roots .So we cut off the main trunk and left the new growth .They actaully grow pretty fast.

10cents 08-04-2007 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by hummingbird42256
Has anyone lost any of their vegetation due to the drought or late spring freeze this year? My trees all look strange because they have ,what appears to be dead branches sticking out all over. I wonder if I should cut them off.


You should definitely do some pruning. Get yourself a sharp pair of shears and a sturdy ladder (or your hubby :D). There's an art to pruning though for different species and you should check out some reference materials. Pruning will encourage new shoots and will make your tree look better. :)

It's sad abut that weeping willow.

kyleira 08-10-2007 03:19 AM

Something I have found when having any type of trees or gardens that keeping them alive is always an issue. I think that you need to make sure that you do what you can and the whether is always out of our control. I am sorry to hear that you lost your crops or that they received more damage than you want.

jamison 08-10-2007 06:56 PM

At some point or another everyone who has a garden will lose some vegetation. The important thing it to try and protect it from whether when you can and make sure that it gets the water it needs.

harvcr 08-30-2007 07:44 AM

My sister lost several of her plants... not big deal though. But the sad part is that she took good care of them but this summer the heat defeated my sister's purposes.
Even though she watered them every day twice a day she couldn't safe them :(

sigs 08-30-2007 12:48 PM

i recently shifted to this new place so havent lost anything for the last couple of months. the last owner also told me that all the trees in compound are varietes which can withstand extreme weather. so thats the plus point of the trees in my area.

Rannek 08-30-2007 02:53 PM

We grow tomatoe plants and rasberrys as well (simple stuff) and they grow fine. Only thing that stops them is our goundhogs that eat them XD.

Delysid 08-31-2007 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by hummingbird42256
Has anyone lost any of their vegetation due to the drought or late spring freeze this year? My trees all look strange because they have ,what appears to be dead branches sticking out all over. I wonder if I should cut them off. I hate to, if they will fill back out next year. I lost one weeping willow from the drought. But my Rose of Sharron has more and better blooms this year than last. Strange,I think. :confused:

That may actually explain why our tomatoes have died off. It's a real shame because we've been looking after them for months now and having to end up throwing them away. It's not nice!

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