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Old 08-29-2007, 03:52 AM
10cents 10cents is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by katharina
It's not too awful yet, but we're going to have to replace a section of the front walk in the spring. Is there an easy do-it-yourself way to do this? We've gotten estimates and they were rather shocking for a tiny section of sidewalk... but I'm not sure that messing with the cement and stuff is worth it... what do you think? Is a professional better for that kind of work?

Doing rough front walk stuffs is one of the few masonry things I can do. Sigs right, there's not much to it. Grab a chisel or large nail, a hammer, a pair of gloves, goggles, and an old or cheap axe and start carving away at the crack down to where everything is level. Get some used 2x4s and place them against the edge of the walk to form some sort of mould. Get some cement and sand/aggregate into an old bucket and pour in water a little at a time. Mix until the right consistency is reached. Pour the thick stuff into the mould and scrape level the surface.
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